Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Home Remedy for Acne

Acne Cannot Be Cured but it can Be Resolved with a Home Remedy for Acne

Acne is a skin disorder for which medical science has not yet developed any treatment for complete cure. However, there are quite a number of acne treatments and medications available in the market. Also, many acne sufferers exercise the use of home remedy for acne.

Before anything is said about home remedy for acne, let it be first established that science has already found evidences to counteract the stand of many acne myths and fallacies. Take for example the excess consumption of chocolates, peanuts and oily foods. In actuality, these foods, though rich in oil, are not consequential to acquiring acne. Additionally, dirt or foods neither cause acne.

Acne is brought for by several internal actions in the body, the most significant of which is the excess sebum produced by the oil glands termed as sebaceous glands. Consequentially, bacteria will thrive on the skin pores due to the extra oil. This then will be acted upon by the white blood cells, which will trigger the natural inflammation. Once this occurs, the skin disorder will trigger the onset of acne. But beyond this factor, there are still a number of indirect causes to acne such as hormonal imbalances, stress, unhealthy lifestyle and naturally oily skin.

The most common home remedy for acne is the skin oil removal through frequent washing. It is recommended that washing of the face as a part of a home remedy for acne is done only twice a day, once in the morning and later I the evening. In line with this, an alternative home remedy for acne is the complete cleaning of the body. Remember that when this home remedy for acne is performed, it is essential that the face is not rubbed too rigorously as this may spread the infection throughout the entire face surface. Also, only mild soaps and not scrubs, must be used.

Another common home remedy for acne is the use of benzoyl peroxide. This topical treatment (some may call it homeophatic treatment) works wonders for many mild acne patients. Majority of over the counter acne medications contains a certain level of benzoyl peroxide. This comes in forms of lotions, soap, gel and creams. Obviously, it is applied on the surface of the skin.

Basically, it is used to dry the skin so that the excess sebum can be eliminated. This home remedy for acne may dry your skin if too much solution is applied. However, this can be resolved through reducing the frequency and quantity of application.

Another frequently used home remedy for acne is the use of ice cubes. Some acne sufferers wash their faces with ice cubes for ten minutes. This home remedy for acne relieves the pain of inflammation for some but this process naturally closes the skin pores so that the skin penetration of the acne-causing bacteria is prevented.

Additionally, a housewife who has an acne patient husband discovered an unusual home remedy for acne. She related that one day, she just decided to pick a bottle of Head and Shoulders while shopping and had it used by her husband to treat the acne prone parts of his skin. Amazingly, within 3 days the acne inflammation her husband was suffering for many years subsided.

Moreover, herbs, teas and spices are also useful as home remedies for acne. More specifically, included in the selection of nature's home remedy for acne are garlic, rosemary, and herbal teas. The basic principle for all these herbal home remedies are to apply them on acne infected areas. Leave them for some minutes and you will see that in days, your skin may arrive to smoother, healthier and evenly toned texture. For garlic however, it is essential that you do not leave it on your skin for too long as it may burn the skin surface.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Simple Solutions that Work: Home Remedy

A home remedy is any homeophatic solution to a persisting problem. This may not have scientifically-proven basis and results but may work well for some. Usually, these are handed down traditions and habits, which rooted in a basic knowledge (i.e. traditional medicine). A home remedy would normally employ the use of basic home materials, common substances and certain food ingredients. The common aim of which is to arrive in a desirable result or in the extreme cases, to cure a disease, an ailment, or any condition in question.

Additionally, a home remedy may not necessarily suggest actual medicinal value but they have a certain level of effectivity for which may bring about the placebo effect. Also, a home remedy may be defined as something with therapeutical or medicinal effects, a process that cures a disease or relieves a pain, and in most cases rectifies a disorder.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Home Remedies Boil

Suffering from Boil? Use Home Remedies

Boil is a bacterial infection that usually occurs in the hair follicle. It is a red, warm, painful dome shaped inflammation as a result of accumulation of dead tissues and pus. Aside from bacterial infection particularly the staphylococcus bacteria, boil is caused illness like flu and cold, poor immune system, poor hygiene, and poor nutrition; although boil can also occur to a healthy and hygienic individual. It is found on the face, underarms, back, buttocks, and shoulders. Group of boils is called carbuncles.

Symptoms sometimes come in the form of itching right before the development of lumps. The lymph nodes or glands begin to swell and there is a small and tender hump on the skin that gets larger each day. The area begins to turn red and the center is clear or there is a sign of fluid. It is often painful when touched.

Once you have boil anywhere in the body, you must not pop. Popping it will contaminate the area of the skin thus making it worse. Normally, regular boil will disappear by the end of the first week up to the 10th day. However, you can do several home remedies to speed up the healing process.

The best way to bring boil to its head is to take a regular warm shower for at least 2-3 times a day. The heat of the water will help the boil to open on its own and drain. Always make sure that the boil is clean. Avoid touching it; this will prolong the healing of the boil. Before bedtime, apply clean cloth or cotton balls on the boil to make sure the drained fluid is secure. Once the head is open, apply a mixture of 1cup of hot water and a tablespoon of salt on the boil. This will wash away the pus surrounding the boil.

Here are other advisable treatments for boil you can do at your home:

  • Bread: On boiling water, put a piece of regular bread. Remove it when it is soft. Apply it to the boil on a temperature tolerable to the skin. This will bring out the head of the boil faster.
  • Carrot and wheat germ: On a 1 tbsp of wheat germ oil, mix a grated raw carrot and apply it on the affected area.
  • Honey: There are several ways to prepare honey as a home remedy for boil. One is to mix honey with oil. Two is to soak in to honey fresh figs. Three is to combine wheat germ and honey. And four is plain warm honey. Apply one of these on the affected area and the boil will come to its head. Honey can also be mixed with equal amount of fresh cod liver oil, orange juice, and fresh lemon juice. Take at least a tablespoon of it three times a day.
  • Herbs. Wild pansy, catnip, dock, chickweed, burdock, or yarrow: The leaves of these herbs are effective healing treatment for boil. Soften any of these leaves by steaming. Make sure you get it from clean source. Apply it on the boil.
  • Linseed: On a boiling water, place crushed fresh linseed to create a paste. Put it on the affected area of the skin and cover it with clean cloth.
  • Iodine: To prevent the boil from further development, apply iodine on the area on and around the boil at least 3 times a day. This will also prevent the boil from further infection.
  • Lemon: Cut the lemon in half and place it on the boil.
  • Comfrey: Combine comfrey with garlic and honey. Apply it on the boil.

Free Home Remedy…Anyone?

Common illnesses are usually resolved by common solutions without having to seek medical attention. These solutions may not be supported by medical studies and may not necessarily apply standard medical methodologies and practices. Normally, these solutions to common diseases, ailments and disorders may make use of natural substances found in nature like herbs, common ingredients and the likes. Sounds primitive? No and these are actually used in many parts of the world, and even in America for immediate cure.

Home remedies were first developed and employed by old societies. Since then, the effects of the natural remedies were recorded down so as to be used by the following generations. However, with the advent of modern medicines, home remedies were taken aside and left for those who still have faith on their effects. However, these remedies had been rising again to popularity because they prove to be less dangerous and cheaper. This is due to the fact that these mostly inhibit the use of natural ingredients, which are typically available in many kitchen cabinets and refrigerators. You can also rely on their cleanliness as they come in nature. They are free of harmful effects that are usually obtained form their pharmaceutical counterparts as side effects.

Moreover, home remedies are free, thus the term Free Home Remedy. They are free in the sense that the ingredients are more likely to be found in nature and that free home remedy procedures and advises is now made accessible through the Internet. There are sites that are entirely designed to provide free home remedies for their visitors. Also, there are search engines that are providing sites for free home remedies.

The ingredients are not literally free of course but they can be easily bought in the market or at your local groceries. In the early years, people normally have medicinal plants planted right at their own backyards. Medicinal plants have therapeutic effects and are widely used as the basis for many modernized medicines. The growing popularity of capsuled herbs can be best attributed to the fact that herbs can create more effective results without the dangerous effects.

In addition to this, home remedies have mild but direct results. Unlike with prescription medications, these directly cure the part of the ailment or the cause of the disease. These may contain strong components but since they are natural, they have lessened bad effects to the body.

Some of the well-known and practiced home remedies are used to cure against:

  • Skin problems (acne and acne scars, pimples, age spots, wrinkles, cuts, bruises, bites, stings, baldness, burns, skin allergies, stretch marks, sun burns, warts, and eczema)
  • Sores (sore throat, cold sores, sore eyes or pink eyes, and canker sores)
  • Aches (toothache, backache, head ache, and stomach ache)
  • More severe ailments like colds, blood pressure, bronchitis, indigestion, food poisoning, high blood pressure, migraine, constipation, sinusitis, depression, flu, hemorrhoids, and rheumatism)
  • General problems like acidity, bad breath, heartburn, athletes foot, head lice, dandruff, snoring, cramps, weak memory, fat hips and thighs, tired ayes, infection, ring worms, and water retention)
One fact still remains true, although free home remedies may be able to provide cure for simple diseases, disorders and ailments, modern medications and treatments are still by far the best in treating major diseases but off course with the cost of modernity.